. >> and the president is sagan with harry reid strongly -- because harry reid hated what happened during the fiscal cliff as did many democrats. they're saying mr. president, you've got to stand firm this time. you've goat to be the adult. you've got to be the dad. you've got to get these obstreperous kid does go to regular order as nancy pelosi calls it. they don't want to do it. they like what happened to sequester. they decided to like it. they're willing to stand at the brink with the president. you have a dangerous situation where you had in the white house tonight, arguably the six adults, the people who are supposed to be the adults here. the president, the prvice president, you don't have any tea party people in there. if they're getting all chesty with each other. if the president is determined to try to get the tea party under control somehow, even if the republicans can't, it's a very dangerous situation. >> well, now it's interesting you bring that up. because here is what i found fascinating in the past 36 hours. up till the shutting down of the government at the beginning o