palestine , god willing, it will strengthen their hearts, god willing soon they will be able to destroy sahani, god willing, we are not working in the field of culture in the field of resistance on this front. well, yes, we have to see with what goal and with what index we are comparing, that side of hollywood and its branches, well, concerts have their own words and content. they forcefully and clearly inject into the mind and heart , in the truth of the world , words that, well, many of them are really from the human ideals of the era . sometimes for things that are done and good things. there are even those which is their duty, no one there is worried at all, i really don't see such a concern, and of course, here i have to give special thanks to the children of mowa for providing a platform in these few years when the anthem is really moving. the way to freedom is your voice, mr. sarafan, which part of this poem is more close to your heart, where we return to a very old nostalgia that was circulating in the language of the palestinians and hezbollah in lebanon, khyber, khyber, yasahian, jai