it is really the same, god willing, with sahifa sajjadiyya and its ways. waves of islamic education and yadgar the preciousness of hazrat imam sajjad (peace be upon him) is more than in the past, god willing, we will reverse it in bandzadeh, both the government and the consolidation commission have approved that all educational units of public schools of the ministry of education and culture, if they comply with the consumption pattern, pay the electricity, gas and water costs of the deputies. it helps a lot, but it needs to be supplemented, and that is that in many of my areas, where the per capita educational spaces are low , the density of students in our schools is very high. of this capacity it will be contracted and these collections need help. when we say that we must comply with the consumption pattern , we need more than the required amount to help these spaces, or a suggestion should come here in the form of a supplement. we brought that the contracted capacity of the school, which is the criterion of the amount and pattern of consumption of the