people with mental disorders as it is for substance use disorders, and i am very pleased to have sahmsa's center for mental health services participating in this year's activities along with csat and csap, as we call them. getting the message of recovery right is critical because people take action based on what they hear and see and, most importantly, what they experience. experience shapes our knowledge, our values, our attitudes, our beliefs, and our action. i have this wonderful job in which the drug problem is an equal opportunity problem. it doesn't really care about sex or race or ethnicity. and you know what? the drug problem doesn't care whether it has a "d" after it or an "r" after it or any other party affiliation. this is a national problem. we have to work much harder, and we should take this- this report that sahmsa did, should take this report for the wakeup call for which it is. wow, the national recovery month press conference here at the national press club- exciting, exciting opportunity. i'm very familiar with the press. believe it or not, i received a little press a f