soon, a small contingent of sahrawis enters. our first interview isis with journalist mohamed mayara. he speaks in hushed tones about the torture and murder his family faced at the hands of the moroccan authorities. mohamed mayara: my father was among four brothers who were kidnapped directly when momorocco invad the western sahahara. so, he was arrested on february 27th, 191976. i was two o months.. he was kidnapped, and then they sent hihim to a secret jai, well known by the sahrawis, agdz in southern morocco.. he spepent one year and six months, and he was killed undeder tortu. amy goodman: what kikind of risk do you take speaking to a w western j journalist lik? mohamed mayara: i ve a daughter who is seven years old. so, i told her when she asked me about f father. so, i tried to tell her that my father was kidnapped and tortureded and etc., but i tried to teach her that one day i will face the same fate. so, i'm always waiting. amy gogoodman: whyhy do you take that ririsk? mohamed mayayara: because i thik this engagement, t