these are citizens of tajikistan, muhammad-sabir fayzov, shamsuddin fariduni, said karamir achabalizadarzoev, the leader was fariduni shamsuddin. two of them, blizoda and fariduni, were recently in turkey and returned to russia on march 2. moreover, on march 7, fariduni even lit up. 50, and note that 500,000 is not for everyone, but 500,000 rubles. for everyone. yes, then it became known that large sums in cryptocurrency were transferred to them, moreover, from ukraine, which kerbin so excused. as it later became known, all four were under the strong influence of drugs, special military drugs that take away fear and aggravate the reaction. that is, by and large these were killer robots, this can justify their act, no, let's go further, and a day later, on march 24, videos appear on the internet, as if from the first person, on behalf of those who killed people, moreover, they appear on resources and gil, pay attention to how already... we could create a problem that we are now struggling with, like when the soviet union entered afghanistan, we came up with a brilliant idea, come to paki