hamburger haven had a sign on its store from s at saidue us. -- said sue us. it is a very narrow store. you have to have two restrooms. that is not the reality. there is no one from the city to do with the issue because we keep saying it is federal law. the county does not want to get involved. we are dealing with this in a matter where you have private plaintiffs attorneys who are going out and enforcing the law, and that was the intention of the law, but what is fair to be done is the county refuses to have any activity to educate the business owners to say you can prevent these lawsuits from happening by complying with the law. how are you going to comply with the law if you have no idea what you're supposed to do? >> thank you for your comments. if you could stick around -- if that is ok with the commissioners. dermott, i know that you have to go. would that be ok with the other speakers? ok. thank you for coming this morning. i know you have to get back to your business. >> good morning, commissioners. in 2006, we received a lawsuit in excess of $180,000.