, and saima is who he feels his spirit is, and he says straight out that he misses saima.n the day a few times in a bit of his speech or in a bit of his attitude, but he can't live and dress and, most importantly probably, he can't love the way he wants to. good evening, everyone. you guys are listening to fm 91. we have a very special guest, guru ashee. tonight, at one of lahore‘s most popular radio stations, guru ashee is using her celebrity status to win over a national audience and draw attention to the plight of her people. she's really going for it. to have references to things like hiv and to people rejecting members of their own family and to social stigma, to have that on mainstream radio and to be starting those conversations in this country is pretty revolutionary, actually. the idea that being third gender is so unacceptable that it can't be tolerated is the cause of social isolation for many third gender people. now khurram's getting older, he's attempting to conform. he's turned his back on his third gender identity. he's now a fixture at his local mosque. su