argoth is being looked at by sainsbury's. it seems to have a downward trajectory, down 1.1%.ate would be an improvement in like for like sales. andthe margin has improved, it's up 75 basis points. they blame what they call cannibalization impacts. meanwhile, homebase like for like sales up 3.3%, but it was a poor picture, down 225 basis points. do see saying that they pretax profit of 93 million pounds. the year in cash is significantly stronger, but overall it seems to be a miss. anna: let's cast the net wider. you also have the first news. caroline: i do. china's consumer price has jumped by the most since 2014, driven higher by food costs. cpi rose 2.3% as food prices surged. the producer price index fell almost 5%, extending its decline. nce, sodiverges says goldman sachs. analysts say they see it as unsustainable, but goldman hasn't found much historical support for that opinion. volkswagen led vonnie through the emissions scandal has unexpectedly quit. he became the u.s. chief executive in january, 2014 and improved the relations so much that when the emissions scandal