big business under the long arm of on the command -- saipanam, tinian and -- behind this expanding power was planning. the plan began on the ground with maintenance. heart stands, ground crews worked a and tonight during the weeks to keep more he 29's on the line. by july the bomber command is an efficient well oiled machine of destruction. here is the cause of that machine. -- here's the final caulk of that machine. hine.nal cog of that mac let's find a what they're going to do, and why, and what. it began 12 hours ago. with a general receiving a report for tomorrow's weather in japan. tomorrow's forecast is typical. area will betokyo 6/10 of 22,000, 3/10 at 14,000 feet, closing up after 11 a.m. >> how the general -- how will the general solve that one? the old man considers every vital factor and makes his decision. wings will strike tokyo at 8:00. they will go in under that weather and bomb and 12,000. now it is the question of target selection. first priority is number 573. 573 is already three quarters destroyed. at the moment number 574 is still untouched. operations check the tact