this office is one of about 1,700 public facilities in saitama. the older ones are especially expensive to maintain and the city is not planning to build any new ones in the near future. >> translator: more than half of the buildings are at least 30 years old. no matter what we do with them, we need to reduce the overall number of public facilities. >> reporter: nationwide, a government survey shows more than 12,000 public facilities targeted for demolition. most are public housing and schools. tearing them down will cost nearly $3.5 billion. the national government allows communities to issue municipal bonds to pay for the work. in that way, they can raise 75% of the money from financial institutions. some local governments, though, are hesitant to use bonds. reparations are shrinking. the city of ritto is one such place. it already has cut back administrative services. it decreased the subsidy for buses and stopped providing lunches for junior high students. even so, the cost of dismantling public facilities far exceeds the savings from those bu