kenji saito's aunt was swept away by the tsunami. mistakenly her body was given to another family right after the disaster. her remains were finally returned to the saito family, nine months after the disaster. >> translator: until the body is found, it's an awful feeling for the family, we kept on thinking what's up with her? what happened to her? >> reporter: how can i person be identified quickly? kosuge and her colleagues plan to establish a scheme to register people in a uniform way. they are considering a system to quickly match up dental information with data taken from bodies. >> translator: i want people to know that they should register their teeth x-rays as proof of their identity, for the sake of their families and for themselves. >> reporter: governments are looking into the model but it's too early to assess it. however, it's important to set up a system, otherwise japanese will keep running into problems identifying people killed in disasters. sachi kirati, nhk world, tokyo. >>> the summer holiday season in europe is i