he shared a platform with sajil shahid, the man who trained the ringleader of the 7/7 attacks and accused united states of bringing 9/11 on itself. he shared a platform with an extremist who called for jews to be drowned in the ocean. when this was put to the honorable member for tooting, he described it as mere "flowery" language. if he wants to know why he has a problem with anti-semitism, let that is because his candidates share platform after platform with extremists and anti-semites and then excuse their words. one more time, say you withdraw the remark about hamas and hezbollah being your friends. jeremy corbyn: last week, the prime minister tried, as he friend,es, to smear my the member for tooting for his association with sulaiman ghani. it turns out that mr ghani is actually an active conservative supporter who has shared platforms with the honorable member for richmond. should reflect on the words of lord lansley some years ago that racism was endemic within his party. we have set up a commission of inquiry. i suggest that he might think about doing the same thing. lord kerslake