sajjad babaei, for the movie master, mr. pejman jamshidi, for the movie yadgar south , mr. amir jafari, for the movie they loved me, mr. homan bark noord, for the movie cinema metropol, mr. mehran ahmadi, for the movie gharib, the nominees for the best male lead actor, mr. mr. majid salehi for the movie no. 10, mr. toraj alvand, for the movie the straw room, mr. mostafa zamani, for the movie fragrant, mr. mir saeed molavi, for the movie jungle orange, mr. ali nasirian, for the movie haft bahar naranje , mr. javad ezzati, for the movie leather, mr. vahid rehbani for the film yadgar south, the nominees for the best supporting actress category, ms. setare pesiani, for the movie sarkar's leather jacket , ms. periyosh's theorem for the movie metropol, sarkar's panthea panahiha , for the movie after leaving sarkar, ms. sara hatami for the movie sarkar's leather jacket, ms. ghazal shakri's for the unfinished narrative of childbirth, mrs. sahar dolatshahi, for the movie yadgar south , mrs. roya timourian, for the movie leather coat, the nominations for the best female lead role, mr