from sakineh's point of view, the new products, services and solutions presented in different booths from the second floor, which we are most proud of, the content area, we had a stage in this big event, and in fact, different people in different areas started talking with each other, even trying to we have invited sociologists because it is better and more with the presence of technological infrastructure , we are committed to providing not only the necessary infrastructure to provide products and services, but also to provide the public with these technologies more than ever. as you know , you had invited sociologists on the subject of economics it has become digital, it also needs a public culture, they were paying attention to europe, and in this regard, the club has taken measures, and regarding the appointment, a few months ago , it had a continuous conversation with the capital market area, which is true, just like investing in the traditional economy area. they are investing. we expect this to happen in the field as well, and from this point of view , we happened to see the p