>> my name is asim selma and i'm known as sal selma. and i have been at san francisco for over 58 years and i have owned or governed businesses in san francisco in the last 50 years. and i am over all parts of the city from mid markets to noa valley and north beach and in the 80s all over the marina and the cal area. i was involved with wherever i went or opened up a business and we improved the area. and i was the resident of the association for years and i was the small business commission for -- during two different administrations. my wife and i owns 163, 165 jesse. we are (indiscernible) and the windshielbuilding. the area was the most difficult neighborhood in town. you have human (indiscernible) and markets and it's the heart of san francisco. as a matter of fact this area was the heart of san francisco in the late 1800s and early 1900s. and all of the newspapers and they were there. okay? and i looked at this building, my building was historical too. it was built at the same time like the hearst 1910 and my building was built fo