commissioner salahi. hi, madam chair. with four votes in the affirmative and zero votes opposed the motion is approved unanimously. congratulations and thank you all for all their service to the city. thank you. and good luck. okay, let's take a. five minute break. i need a five minute break. so. madam chair, we are back live. okay i now call agenda item number 11, which is audit the division update highlighting division operations colleagues as you recall, we had asked miss fong to come back to give us an update from her last appearance . so miss fang, thank you. good afternoon, shirley, vice sheriff and live commissioner. forest flying and commissioner solly hope. i said that right for the benefit of our newly our newest commissioner. i want to provide a short overview of what the audit division does. i provided that overview the last time we provided the update, but i think just to make sure that you get that same overview, i just want to take a minute to provide that . so under the city charter, the commission has a d