, in salaspils, where there was a concentration camp, they laid flowers for us, i was so glad that afteroncentration camp that was formed. of which blood is for the wounded for the wounded nazis 51 number 51 here i am i thought that everything was thank god, the next day , may 9, all these flowers were removed with a tractor, in general , in other words, nothing changes. 37 number 37, is it clear where the country is heading? 70, number 70, vadim, which of the heroes of the great patriotic war was an example of courage for you? well, he was a hero for me, i was given a book for my birthday, it cost 3 rubles, marshal zhukov, by the way, boris played wonderfully. what didn’t foretell 83 number 83 can’t be found almost 22 number 22 74 number 74. julia, how important is it for you personally? remember that great feat of our people? well, like for any person who was born in this country, because this is the history of my family, the history of my homeland. number four, number four. how can you preserve the memory of a great victory for as long as possible? how do you think? number, say, 17. n