wow, salatik is chudnenko chudnenko. where do you buy vegetables from the store? me about my farm outside the city. well, nothing special small farm. i grow vegetables in a greenhouse there, cows, goats, ducks , geese, i have everything as it should be. i can supply you with fresh products, if you like, how interesting, thank you. tomatoes pale cucumbers flabby what you do how you live i work at a hairdresser. oh, anatoly and what are you, i forgot to cut off my signature pie for you. cabbage with a visa mommy well, it's true, aren't you offended? everything is fine, i saw the girls , talked to you, it’s really about me to go. well, i don't really know what came over him. the man licked, he and in africa the man got his own and is satisfied. risk he told me here that he wants to live a long happy life with you and consulted. well, the information received by the informant is not needed can be sent. it's true. if you want to stay lizochka yes , nothing, i don't want to. well, as long as you're happy, everything's fine. this is enough for me. the girls kiss me , i'l