and zoe saldonya is the money, the latest receive and accolade for best supporting actress and the media perez. let's go to roberto su, slide for us and most on these california. so rob, um i gave a rough outline of some of the windows a content. is that a little more? can you add to that? but i just want to mention the, with the respect to goes, always held down the need, but she gave a kind of a, an emotional speech. she is the 1st dominican american to win an oscar. it's you spoke movingly about the migrants and their dreams in coming to america, a very important point at this particular time in, in political affairs in this country. if we look at the best picture contenders, we see that a nora is in a good position there. it's director sean baker wrote one both the best of the original screenplay award a few minutes ago and the best film editing award. so apparently a lot of people in the academy are high on a nor a, but the brutal is the more than 2 hour long apic about a hung gary in. busy architect and his journey to america. post world war 2 is dream of building a colossal master