there is something and so on, israel can probably answer, maybe he will answer, i don't know, maybe saleimancally says that there is no damage, so don't answer, i don't know who knows these outstanding, thoughts, so to speak, god knows, so, for israel the basis of the basics is. as in nuclear performance, that is, from 5 to 6,000 m, or 5-6,500 km, because meters will be too little, not kilometers, i apologize, so, they are capable, so in terms of range with will be too little, not kilometers, of course , a kilometer, naturally he misspoke, so, so, as in nuclear equipment, so in in the usual, in the usual from 750 to 800 kg spent, in the nuclear, well, who knows what kind of ammunition they have, naturally in israel. there is a large line of drones that can also reach the territory of iran, like the uranians, both countries with drones are doing very well, the uranians have, that means, rh2, which flies, reaches, that means, the territory of israel, 260 kg equivalent, they have a corar, reusable, that means, heavy, and so on, like the israelis have, the israelis have a submarine dolphin, for