my name is salima. i am an organizer with critical resistance. earlier today, i heard a lot of talk about the crimes committed in san francisco. first of all, a crime is only a crime based on the definition of the state of what a crime is. my definition of a crime is not your definition. in fact, the word crime is not even in my vocabulary. the word harm is. until we can begin removing the criminalization of people in san francisco, there will only be more imprisonment of people. the city needs to reevaluate the necessity to address harm rather than crime. we need to address a number of unhealthy people that are being swept off the street and arrested and detained and locked up with nowhere else to go. we need to address the criminalization of youth, black communities, sex workers, trans and queer communities. we have recommendations provided by the g.r.p. working group. we need to close 850 immediately without any possible proposal for the construction or renovation of a new jail. without any proposal to move people from 8502 another county jail