it's saliva cam. another demme first, saliva cam. i saw that, i went, god, it's so psychedelic!gone like out over the deep end. people think he's a little bit of a straight filmmaker, but there's no way! no way! he's gone psychedelic on this movie. >> well, this happens to be a song where neil puts himselves in the shoes of a human being who's experimented with every drug known to man over the course of his lifetime and it's kind of a deranged, unhinged song that arrives at an exquisite moment of redemption, and it's our next to last song. and when, as fate would have it, the little camera attached to the microphone to get this amazing close-up we used in one other song without saliva cam. it just so happened that when neil unleashed the song, you know, as half the singers spew a little bit, and bam, the camera slipped. maybe it's because the saliva hit it. camera slipped down a little bit and we found -- >> changed the angle a bit. >> and it became the perfect shot to convey this deranged kind of journey that the singer takes. >> i take back what i said about you being straight