let's check in with wall street legend sallie krawcheck, ceo and founder of aellevest, personal find . why women are getting more involved in money management, taking care of themselves and control of their finances, sallie, welcome to "mad money." >> so glad to be here. if i knew we were going to do disrupter, i would have brought the disrupter socks. did you know you sent out disrupter socks? >> i did not. >> what says disrupter more than socks? >> you got me stumped there. >> nothing. >> when i heard about what you're doing, and i'm a fan and a friend, i said it's about time and it's the right time, isn't it >> appreciate that when i thought about doing it and people said to me, gosh you you should start an incresting platform for women, my first thought was, that's such a really not very good idea. women don't need their own thing. there are plenty of options out there. and then the more i thought about it when i realized it doesn't matter if i think women need their own thing, the numbers were telling me that we do. >> it seems like that there is the ratio of women in the world v