, inc., split into two companies, sallie mae bank and navient. both are currently being sued by the attorney general of illinois, accusing them of deceptive subprime lending, a failure to offer proper repayment options, and faulty collection practices navient denies the allegations sallie mae bank seeks to dismiss the suit saying in part, we believe navient, a separate and independent company from sallie mae, is responsible for all liabilities at issue the current sallie mae bank says it wasn't making loans when paige took hers, yet the website boasts, helping america pay for college for more than 40 years back in hawaii, quinlan defends company practices. >> did you guys give any consideration, the optics, to how a student who might be struggling, might see a bunch of executives in hawaii with their families as sort of -- >> having an annual planning session in recognition of accomplishments for our sales force is something that has been done i'm going to say since the company was founded, 1972, and recognition of hard work, it's an important pi