she knows how to not get pregnant. >> host: sally ann in alabama. >> guest: sally ann, thanks for sharing your story. what i took away from that or one of the things is that you had the ability to make the decision that was best for you, and i i think a that is where my of us come down, that that is a process and a right that we should all have regardless of what our state legislators or members of congress feel at any given time. and i think, you know, talking about how we prevent pregnancies is incredibly important. i will note that the same people who seek to ban abortion is and have banned abortion also seek to limit or restrict access to contraception. and so we are working to advance, a again, not just abortion with rights, but access to contraception, comprehensive sexuality education so folks knowow how to, how to handle thr bodies. .. dorothy in mansfield ohio, the lineer for democrats, good morning. >> a good morning. i'm listening to all these people and their opinions which is wonderful. i am 82 years old in this little town of mine back in the 50s there were men and women tha