no one sally dumont was dying, sojourner truth was there to take care of her, as responsibility. mr. dumont often praised her for being stronger, more capable and more hard-working than any man he ever had working on the farm, both slave and free. she, though, had some calling from god. it was in this early time, that she set up a kind of meditation place. there was a little island in the middle of a stream surrounded by willows. she would go there to talk to god. she would go there to communicate. she would go there - in some ways, i suspect -simply to get through her existence. what happened was, when she was probably 15 or 16 years old, she had a romantic relationship with a young slave, from another farm. the owner of that slave, the owner of the other farm, broke it off, and apparently almost beat the young men to death to keep him away. so, isabella, isabel, then married - which new york law allowed, a young man on her own -- a young slave on her own plantation, sorry, her own farm, and bore five children. historians believe they were all her husband's, thomas. they believe