and we see here on the death certificate that his mother's maiden name was sally hammonds. so if you're in the south. and you're saying hem means what's it sound like? hemmens hemmens her name was sally hemmens. she was named after her famous aunt her now famous aunt. sally hemmings her father was peter hemmings a brother of sally hemings, which means that peter hemmings was my three times great-grandfather. we were doing high fives down there in kenwood. it i was so happy to make that discovery and to find out that i'm a hemis after all. historically speaking. what does this mean? thomas jefferson's father-in-law have relations with a woman named elizabeth hemmings. they had several children together including sally hemmings. and my three times great-grandfather peter hammonds. thomas jefferson had relations with sally hammonds. they had several children together. thomas jefferson's son-in-law her relations with a hemmings betty hemmings whose ancestors here with us tonight. and after his i should add after his wife died after thomas. jefferson's wife died and my great-gran