first of all, sally satel is a fantastic guest, you should have her back -- but all of your guests are fantastic. we should just have you guys all back, number one to number two, the governor of new jersey used a keyword in his statement, which is the word "shame." shame is psychologically an extremely potent driving force in human life. get a psychologist on who can explain the role of shame. number one. number two, let's have a segment on synthetic opioids, their history, anything fda approved your which he said some of them are 1000 times stronger than heroin, i fell out of my chair. said there are some people can manage these drugs appropriately under doctor's supervision, and they need to have them, and that is great. we have got to be clear about that. i just wonder if any of them are fda approved or not, and why should they be -- should they have controls they do not already have? take the shame thing and the unemployment thing and the infrastructure thing that might happen one day, and let's bring back fdr's civilian conservation corps and get all these able-bodiedi people who