sentence in fatwa and salman rushdie is one of the most i've accept both a. one cannot believe that happened in the last century. and it is that spirit of arrogant intolerance, which has contributed to the need to write because it goes beyond religion and politics and principles of justice and executes justice, who pronounces justice and for what at what cost. i participated to the united nation to new york come to one of these peace conferences, dialogue of cultures, dialogue religions come the salon and so forth, shortly after he felt was made in the united states. and this of course it again led to killings all over the world. everybody backing down their hatches. the question i asked myself, what contributed to this looks? why is it that anyone religion considers that it is so sacrosanct it cannot be common to john either through film or theater in the public domain is subject to public comment tree. for any religion to claim the sacrosanct duty is the same mentality that denigrated other religions in their time, but now has assumed universal and politica