matter how stro a man is you can be as strong as samsung a you stil& cannotave yourself is ogly worn salvatiat iser heavly father again we see that reoccring theme t agn we see that reoccurring theme the psalm 3132 and 33 to not put your tst in charts or horses or b-1ombers put your tru in your heavenly father for 17 does not matter how fast or strong our horses it'sot ing to help you obta salvation orafetishe word they are using here you know at the time of david if you had good warhorse in one my that ha no hoes go%ng up footman yet another army thaá had 500 warhors the 5 warhorses t a tremendous advante in thermy that had the horses a good warhorse at the time of david was probably similaas we in militar terms today think of a tan agaiof course was nsidered at this time of this writing is a very valuable asset as far as military was concerned still wou&d do you no goods far savi your owso verse or reve him those that know the word of the lord and i know what lvation is the eye of the lord is on them tt re him don'tver rget at when were in thatime jacob's trouble en anna christs here on ea