there's no longer a monk, steve's journalists don't seem to, i mean the salzberg or families new york times, your papers know treating it a bit like a joke. it says 13 is made of drugs, anti establishment streak. so it appears to have gotten them into a fresh round of trouble. and i mean, it's even companion, talked about snowden being and most go up to disclosing class nobody to permit. i mean, why do they think it's some kind of joke in the united states that a postman basically cuz that's was drove running telegram. he's like a postman or a post office being detained for what people use the post of his for is not incredibly serious or no action i'm. i'm really at the end of my rope trying to explain the total indifference of the national news media here in america . and abroad, frankly, i mean, but we, especially in the united states, or we have a very specific free speech tradition. so it's, you know, the most powerful protections for journalists that have that any countries ever had . and it's a core value in the american system. journalists have been raised to protect those valu