feet -- sam brickman freed -- sam bankman-fried's trial. the new pixel is more like an iphone. let's check in on the markets and after yesterday's selloff where we saw bond market selloff and the yields higher and the pressure on the tech stocks, we have a reverse. some of the big tech heavyweight on -- doing a lefty -- doing the lifting on the day. the adp number showing that there is softening in the labor market and maybe the federal reserve -- and maybe the federal reserve isn't going to have to go so hard so fast. we are seeing big going flat on the day as the dollar comes down from what has been a rapid run up. let's look at the individual players. we have seen tesla, the outperformer of the toys on the day. we are seeing palantir higher. it is getting close to clinching that important deal with the u.k. with the nhs. zoom on the downside, one of the worst performers. it has been announced, some new products and analysts were critically overwhelmed when they try to compete with the microsoft. let's go back to the crypto story. a jury