incidentally i look at kansas and the governor sam brownback is trying to eliminate the kansas arts council or whatever it's called. and try to encourage private investors, donors to fill the gap. and my wife went to a theater in rural kansas, the columnian theater. we got this email and i was on the list. they were panicked. this is terrible. brownback is going to take our money away. do you know every year we get $5,000 from the state. so they have become so pathetic, they have so little creativity, so little imagination they think they couldn't have a sale -- $5,000? i'll give you the $5,000. what's the difference between that and shutting the doors, i'll give you the 5,000 bucks. that's one jog-a-thon thing or a raffel. enough with this poverty and regulation. let's take on science. and, of course, all the left wing hate sites as soon as this airs can just imagine what media matters go after me. they can't answer anything that i say, by the way and my biography is at which they never link, well, he's got some credentials, we'll go after the crazy neanderthal is against gove