. -- sam ervin. [applause] at the end of his six years it will be time to let another generation in on the action by serving in the united states senate. so tonight to each of you, i thank you from the bottom of my heart for this victory which would be the capstone of my public service. the state tree is as much yours as it is mine. thanks each and everyone of you for being here. god bless this country and god bless each and every one of you. [applause] he's not ♪ >> deborah ross spoke at her campaign headquarters in north carolina last night. [cheers and applause] [applause] >> you are a hard-working good-looking crowd. i love you, too. and i love the people of north carolina. well, it is not the outcome that we wanted, but i have zero regrets. [applause] it has been a huge honor to god to be your united states senator. and i want to thank you for all the time and effort that you put into this election. it has been an election. serious issues have been put out there and you've worked very hard. i wa