sam grobart takes a look at a few projects -- products looking to put an end to passwords. >> a number to replace your password with something much harder to steal your biometrics. we are all like snowflakes. we have unique physical characteristics. your future password could just be your own body. if you want to feel like you are in him -- eight "mission impossible -- a "mission impossible" movie, use myris. it scans your eye with an infrared camera and you are good to go. the company claims this is many times harder to fix and a fingerprint reader. they just announced plans to build that into laptops. this band identifies you by your heartbeat. snap it on your magnetic wrist -- it will read the electric activity of your heart and can identify you by the shape of your electrocardiogram way of. the canadian startup that makes the device is in the early stages of development. you would not need your wallet or even your phone. but your phone is pretty much an extension of your arm at this point, let's be honest. last but not least, forget your password. just take a selfie. an image of yo