we drove in the car, with sam rivers, the speaker of the house, got their late, mrs. johnston was very upset because doctor had told her that lyndon should be sleeping, but he waited up until very late at night, like two in the morning, for us. and, on the way home, just two of us were traveling, and as i said, sam and lyndon said that if i want a nomination ex year, i'll have to run in the primaries. i said, there are right. if president eisenhower, because of his health, doesn't run, every democrat is gonna want the nomination. and you will have to fight for it. if president eisenhower does run, you have to forget about it. and he said, well, i'm not gonna run those primaries, i'm not gonna be a candidate like i'm running for sheriff, or one of those shopping center things. i'm not gonna do it. of course, he ended up doing it, because that's the way the system operator -- and came actually won the nomination. after winning a couple of the primaries. >> joe, los angeles, we are talking about adlai stevenson tonight on the contenders, go ahead with your question or comment. >>