the bars, for example, on our own list are also city landmark, places like twin peaks tavern or sam jordan's bar. certainly those properties can already qualify for mills act property tax relief. if you have a building that houses a legacy business that is owned by a third-party, i think a strong argument can be made for allowing the mills act to include a term that would require extension of the lease in order -- in exchange for extending, extending the lease ~. >> that's what i meant. that is something you're considering, correct? >> it's something the -- [multiple voices] >> pendling the legality of, the mills act is implemented pursuant to state enabling legislation in san francisco and i believe the city attorney is looking at whether or not that type of term, a lease extension, is allowable under the state enabling legislation. me as an advocate, as an advocacy organization, i think an argument can be made certainly in the case of legacy businesses that are already city landmarks, that that should be an allowable term. >> so you would be in favor of that? >> absolutely. >> the other th