remember sam lewis? the bathroom-fixture king of tuckahoe? right into the toilet. he filed for bankruptcy. they're not building any more houses, so he went broke. honey, how about getting a loan from the government? the government? they'll only bail you out if you're lockheed, franklin bank, the pennsylvania railroad! ntry, maude? all we get is a slap on the back, a "win" button, and a pep talk from eliot janeway. ( imitating ) it's a fool's game, maude. now, listen, walter, look, i don't want you to say anything. now, look, listen to me, walter, please. under the circumstances, walter, the house is free and clear. maude... look, we'll borrow on it. no, the house is yours. the house is ours, walter. it just happens to be in my name. now, listen, this is my problem! it is our problem, walter. now why shouldn't we borrow on it. give me one good reason. maude, i built findlay's friendly appliances. thirty-two years ago, i started the long, long climb, but i needed no outside help. i did it all by myself! i am horatio alger. i am independent and proud. i am an american