. >> sam lu. >> hi. i'm sam lu, and i work at the coalition for homelessness, and we get calls every day from people who are homelessness, and they're really in a state of distress because their car has been taken away. melody wanted me to read some of her statement. there are approximately five to seven navigation centers with a capacity of 75 to 120 people each. currently, the turnaround is 30 to 60 day stay. it's become nothing more than a revolving door. at most it can get approximately 500 of the 7500 homeless people off the street for a very short time, and i think it just speaks to why we're taking away people's cars when we have such a burden on the homeless system as it is. it's also difficult to get your car back with all of your possessions in it. i was here with mr. hernandez who's in the audience today, until 11:30 friday to get his car back because of the impounding tow fees. if you don't pay it that day or in a couple of days, the fee is so much that you'll never get your car back. so i se