. >> sam porter is one harry has been talking about. >> the logo. >> he's the leader of oklahoma baptistsaster relief. >> volunteers got bull dosers and cleared tornado debris from more than a thousand homes. >> i have been to disasters all over the world tsunamis earthquakes hurricanes any time there's a storm or any kind of destruction anywhere we are on it immediately. >> fema often takes forever. you government lovers are always talking about fixing government. it never gets fixed. the response to that should not be to throw up our hand and say fema is a copy it and doesn't do anything. >> you need a central agency to coordinate. >> you don't. you just need some americans who care. >> they brut in bob katz and bulldozers and went to work. >> within days the baptists gave them a new home and built up a storm shelter. the volunteers will install 120 of these for families who lost homes. >> it was a mess out here. they cleaned it up. they cleaned it up and fixed it up and got us into our home. they have done that for the whole neighborhood. >> they have asked fema for a home loan. they