the exclusive ski resort of sam ritz in june is perfect build a territory out of season and crucially practically deserted there are two hives of activity in town though one's the luxury hotel subrata where around one hundred thirty of the world's most influential politicians businessmen and sovereigns are meeting behind closed doors and the other in a much cheaper hotel where concerned activists are determined to break that wall of secrecy down they've set up what they believe is the world's first alternative media center they'd work for mainstream outlets too but they're not here just not enough. western media not enough from the u.k.'s it's quite appalling news agency is just really civilians of this years at indies and on the list is the chancellor of the exchequer george osborne i would have thought that makes it news other build about regulars include david rockefeller the editor in chief of the economist magazine the greek finance minister and the president of the world bank all rumored to be here this year unlike another regular former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss kahn on ba