sam roddic and linda math, andrea bringing that parent pick, spirit to the stream. thank. finally, to haiti, where haitians are recovering from a major earthquake this month, followed by a tropical storm. and the assassination of president last month will have over catch a break in a post show discussion gas, john home and the dish and the job and daughter in a bad. pierre tackled a question that people in haiti often talk about like every haitian. yes, i wonder about that and i think it probably has to do with many reasons one, but one of the main reasons is bad leadership, as you pointed out and buy leadership has cars like this country and our ability to match war disasters, for example, or hurricane sometimes the whole retains not, not really strong fading, but because of our population, we're cause a lot of warren and adequate also we've seen major upgrades happening elsewhere, but not causing that much stations. but i think it's because by leadership and or related issue like, or russian as made their country much more or about to, to natural disasters. not ve