. >> i -- samaha. >> i do want to thank our staff for a document i think is very thorough. i am a not surprised a project of this magnitude has had such little controversy. i'm actually quite surprised that we have not had more controversial comments to this document. but i do support a two-week extension. i think it is a reasonable request for a project of this magnitude. i do want to echo commissioner elberling's comments about the east bay link to the east bay and those jobs. i think that had not been adequately addressed in this document. and then the comment that we heard today which are new to me about the athletic fields and the tideland trust interpretation, i do want that to be looked at my staff. hopefully when we revisit this in september we can look at that further. thank you. >> thank you. just a correction if i may. i was looking incorrectly at my calendar. two weeks extension would bring it to september 9. that is a jewish holiday. i don't think we should include that. so arbitrarily i'm going to make it september 10. so everyone understands you have until se