. >> supervisor samaha: i agree with that with the process. we have been through so much here and it is a resolution that has come from the community working together, 220 slips, and i do feel comfortable if bcdc and other agencies working on the dredging and eel grass issues i do feel comfortable to move this forward today. >> president tsen: i have a question for you and that has to do with the dredging itself. the responsibility of the dredging is on the marina operators is that right? >> the responsibility for dredging within the existing premises of the marina is on treasure island and the access points to and from the marina is on tie as well. >> president tsen: about what the maintenance? >> that is on tie as well. >> president tsen: i want to make sure that is not on t. i. d. a. as well. so there has been a resolution and amendment. >> so i need specific language for the amendment that timeline that you are talking about and that would need to convey. >> you would suggest a further resolved clause that we would insert perhaps between t