and he didn’t have any figures of his toys, they were told that here is a lion, as he roared in samanaey will take you into the army and kill you. and here they are, like a herd, breaking all somewhere, there, and so on. we are engaged in liberation from the army. now we have given them driving, which is news to them. no, no, they run like that, really. it's just to explain to them you need to keep them back. this means that we have been doing this for a whole year, in order to return them we gave them, which means that we gave them exemption from the army grants, we gave them tax benefits. we gave them mortgages and reduced taxes. we support startups, there means, and so on. here you called gazelles deserve respect. let them earn respect first, at least these things, but now we are starting to frighten them. so we returned a certain number of them, yes, and now we are starting to scare that now you all will come here, which means increased taxes. more something else something and we begin to turn them into enemies, most of them i didn’t say, but he didn’t say other comrades said, yes,