senator feinstein's staff, doug clapp, chris hansen, samantha nelson. and the staff on my side, tyler owens, jed armstrong, haley alexander, mckenzie burt, caleb mcmurray, john brevard. and then the republican floor staff that have had to put up with us as we work through the amendments. laurie dove, robert duncan, tony hannism gan, katherine kilroy. that's the republican floor staff. i'd like to thank the democratic floor staff as well for working to make this possible. i will make a few remarks about this bill. this bill is almost half-and-half defense and nondefense. it's about $37.5 billion. it supports several federal agencies that do important work including the u.s. department of energy, nuclear regulatory commission, the army corps of engineers, bureau of reclamation, national nuclear security administration which has to do with our nuclear weapons, the appalachian regional commission. it vests in our -- it invests in our waterways. it repairs our locks. it deepens our harbors. it puts us one step closer to doubling basic energy research. it hel