samantha smith warmed up the cold war 31 years ago today. we could use help from russia today. they've tanked or stock market. we will have continuing coverage throughout the day. >> oregonians may fly on their own wings but is covered oregon about to fly off with your money? welcome everyone, aisle chase payne. this is "your world." is covered oregon's to fly the coop? now taking steps to dump the troubled obamacare exchange and join the federal one. what happens to the more than $300 million that it got to create it? a covered oregon official saying the state won't have to return the money because it's a government grant and the state can decide how to use it. the former florida congressman alan west says is wrong. colonel, welcome to the show. >> good to see you, charles. how are you doing? >> good. this is just nuts. they can't put together a web site, they got $300 million of our money, and now they get to do whatever they want with it? >> well, it's very interesting in that it was just a week ago on thursday that president obama came out and said, in an unannounced press