when i think of jesus and what he stood for and encouraged his followers, he talked about the good samar tan. he does what he can for real people, as well as coming out with great ideas of what other people caught to do for them. david cameron, a couple of days ago felt he was continuing jesus work in enabling social change. many in the church feel his government lacks basic christian values in its treatment of the poor. >> now, it's been almost a year since the rana plaza building collapsed in bangladesh, killing over 1,000 garment workers. a film-maker is making a movie to commemorate the disaster - a musical and a love story. we have this report from dakar. [ ♪ music ] >> song, dance, romance. it's not what you would expect from a movie about one of the world's worst industrial disasters. but in true style it's full of these scenes. it tells the story of a girl rescued from the collapse 17 days after the disaster. this is the first acting role for this actress, and she hopes it will make a lasting impression. >> it's sad what happened. when i acted in some scenes, i cried. not just me, ma