transferring power from the permanent president of namibia, the legendary fighter for its independence, samaya yomato his successor, who was called khiva kipunya, pahaba. it was way back in 2005. we took to talk with both presidents of the country. they extended their hand. our former adversary to the white minority. we declared that all those who were within the borders of the republic of namibia at zero hours march 21 march 20, 1990 are namibians, therefore they are protected by national laws their lives are safe in safety. member of the freedom party with its foundation, he participated in the war of liberation. namibia with him. i was imprisoned in wenthuki by order of the south african apartheid regime, but pocambo, him and his personally chosen one were extremely elected by the swapu party congress. we have a democracy, our party lives according to the laws of democracy. the second generation of african leaders went through military coups with a one-party system who, being young, saw all this and did not want all this. and it's good if a leader comes to namibia and spoils it all with his prob